:: How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ::

Anne Frank

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26th: Traveling North

We are venturing north to the Lake Volta region and will be unable to email for at least a couple of days. Please keep us in your prayers as much will be transpiring.

Most of you know that I have a traveling companion, Aimee Molloy, along with me during this trip. She is the very skilled writer to whom I’ve been sharing the story of my life with. We have been having an amazing trip as God performs His daily miracles around us. Pray that we will see all that He wants us to see, walk where He wants us to walk and do what He desires for us to do during our African Journey.

Also, through another series of miraculous happenings, we have along with us a talented artist who is using his camera to capture these miracles on film. The three of us appreciate your prayers as we know God is going to use these next few days as an opportunity to plant seeds in the minds of people to birth visions and dreams that will lead to the deliverance of these children who are treated so unjustly.

We know exactly what is going on and it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with justice. Our dream is to find ways to set the children free. Our dream is to share this dream in such mighty ways that child trafficking could be stopped and children could be children again.

We will be working with Paul and George who have the Pecodep Center. You can familiarize yourself with them by visiting their website (the link is on our website, too).

Touch A Life is helping to fund a new orphanage where George and Paul will be in charge. We will able to see the construction of it. The children who will be living there are rescued from the nightmares of being either slaves or orphans (or both).

During the next few days we will take part in a rescue mission and we’ll be able to go out onto the lake and see for ourselves exactly what their lives are like. We ask that you remember us as you know how heartbreaking this will be--yet we know the importance of sharing it with the world to educate and to bring a clear awareness to what crimes are being committed while we reap the benefits of living blessed lives.

We are so privileged to live where we do, but we are learning more and more that our blessings have not been given to us simply so that we can hoard them as we bask in comfort and peace. No, we are to take what we can and do all we’re able to do to prevent things such as world hunger and homelessness, child slavery and the misery of unending poverty.

We will be faithful to send updates as we can.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers--we can feel them.

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